Falmouth Water Stewards

The mission of Falmouth Water Stewards (FWS) is to protect, preserve, and restore Falmouth’s bays, estuaries, salt ponds, and fresh waters through education, advocacy and citizen science. The official name of the organization was changed in 1994 from FACES to Falmouth Water Stewards to expand the mission to include freshwater ponds. With more miles of coastline than any other town in Massachusetts, abundant fresh and salt water ponds, streams and rivers, and the only surface groundwater aquifer on the Cape, water is the social, environmental and economic lifeblood of Falmouth. FWS, a science-based advocacy and education organization, is the only group solely dedicated to protecting and restoring Falmouth’s precious fresh and coastal waters. FWS informs the public about the most pressing water quality issues of the day, engages citizens as stewards and caretakers of our waters, and is a voice at Town Meeting. With a board of directors comprised of scientists, policy-makers, educators and concerned citizens, in addition to a broad grassroots membership base, FWS has earned its reputation for leadership in the preservation of Falmouth’s water resources. FWS also works with Old Ladies Against Underwater Garbage (OLAUG) to bring awareness to keeping ponds free of trash and debris.
Falmouth Water Stewards
P.O. Box 156
Falmouth, MA 02541
Become a FWS Member or Donate
Contact information: falmouthwaterstewards@gmail.com Facebook Falmouth Water Steward s